Instant Money
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How to join the club


It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 ...

1. first, you must be of legal age, have a website, blog, ezine or newsletter, and have a current paypal account, which must also be able to receive payments. Paypal is the only way we send you your instant money referral commissions. If you don't already have a paypal account you can open one for free at paypal.com

2. read and accept the terms and conditions set forth below

3. remit annual membership & registration fee via paypal button below

note: if you were referred/invited by a current member please have their name or the name of their website handy as you will need it when you join. If no member referred/invited (i.e. you were invited by the club or found this website) then just leave that space blank when you get to it.

Terms and conditions:

members must be of legal age.

you must have an active website, blog, ezine or newsletter.

you must have a current paypal account, which must also be able to receive payments.

only current members may refer others and earn instant money commissions.

we reserve the right to revoke membership of, or disqualify from joining, any person or online entity deemed inappropriate or unsuitable ... by us. In that event, all fees will be returned. No hate or illegal content. Adult websites and legal gaming websites are welcome.

regarding instant money and commissions all members are independent operators, and responsible for any/all taxes, expenses, etc.

the Instant Money Club, owners and administration, shall be held not responsible and harmless by any actions of its members.

members are automatically licensed to use our copyrighted marketing materials, such as banners, buttons, supplied by the club and shall have access to articles and other potentially helpful items free of charge, as seen fit by club admin.

members agree to abide by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws.

referral commission payout is 100% of the annual membership fee paid by referred people/entities who join and, whenever possible, is paid out to referring members on a same day basis, via paypal only. Said membership fee may vary up or down according to promotional membership drives undertaken by headquarters at its discretion.

joining members must name the referring member at the time of joining in order for referring member to receive their referral membership commission.

one url per membership. One paypal email address per membership.

fees levied on paypal members by paypal (to receive money) are separate from commissions paid by Instant Money Club

members are subject to chargebacks, if and when referred member payments are not completed, cancelled, etc.

members agree to a no-spam policy. Members may not spam on behalf of the club. Spamming may result in immediate revocation of membership.

there are no refunds, except for those disqualified by us as inappropriate, unsuitable, etc upon submitting membership.

Instant Money Club makes no guarantees to members or potential members, is solely an online membership club utilizing network marketing and other means to generate monies for its members.

by becoming a member you automatically accept and agree to the terms and conditions hereby set forth.

terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.

Yes, I agree to these terms and conditions

Membership Drive

Join Today
And Save $$$

annual membership$100 $50
annual registration $45 $25
total $145 $75

this special offer is valid for above date
only and may or may not be renewed

note: as every entreprenuer knows, before you can start making money you first have to spend some

There are no other fees charged by Instant Money Club. Member referral payout is 100% of annual membership fee via paypal and, whenever possible, is paid out the same day.

webmasters with high traffic click here

To join today:

enter person or site who referred you (if none leave blank) then click on paypal logo and become an instant member

person or site who referred you (if none leave blank)

Our secure paypal merchant account will read CoolTools. As soon as you remit payment you will be immediately and automatically redirected right from paypal to the Members Area.

Want more money? Join the club.

and don't forget